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The security company “COUGAR” offers carrying out of official investigations on a contractual basis.
Our officers have the skills of operational and investigative work, extensive knowledge of human relations psychology, as well as access to the relevant information base. All this allows us to assess the reality in the company quickly and understand the situation.
The cost of services is formed individually for each client: depending on the planned terms of cooperation and financial possibilities.
When working with Us ,you can be sure that problems in the organization will be identified and eliminated in the shortest possible time!
The need for security is basic for a person. Its satisfaction is the main task of the security company "COGUAR". We also offer legal services and conduct investigations.
We do not give empty promises and prefer to prove our professionalism in practice. Call Us, come to the office - only through personal communication is possible to understand if the interaction will be productive. The choice is always yours! But remember that when addressing Us, you can not only solve existing problems, but also take preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of such difficulties in the future. Forewarned is forearmed.