Russia, 190005, Saint-Petersburg,
nab. Obvodnogo kanala, d.155, of.1
Security and
condacting investigations

The user agreement and the privacy policy

1. Terms and definitions

1.1. The following terms are used in this End User License Agreement:

1.1.1. Local Authorities of (hereinafter referred to as the Local Authorities or Operator) means employees authorized to website management, acting on behalf of COUGAR Security Provider LLC, which organize and (or) carry out personal data processing, as well as determine the purposes of personal data processing, scope of personal data to be processed, and actions (operations) performed with personal data.

1.1.2. Personal Data means any information related to a person directly or indirectly determined (personal data owner).

1.1.3. Personal Data Processing means any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools or without using them, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, improvement (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion or destruction of personal data.

1.1.4. Personal Data Confidentiality means mandatory requirement for the Operator or other person who has access to personal data to prevent their dissemination without consent of personal data owner or other legal grounds.

1.1.5. User of (hereinafter referred to as the User) means a person who has access to the website via the Internet, and uses the website.

1.1.6. Cookie means a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on a user's computer that the web client or web browser sends to the web server from time to time in HTTP request when they try to open the page of the corresponding website.

1.1.7. IP-address means a unique web address of a node in a computer network built using IP protocol.

2. General provisions

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the preservation of personal data confidentiality of User.

2.2. Use of by the User means acceptance of this End User License Agreement and the terms of user's personal data processing.

2.3. In case of disagreement with the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the website.

2.4. This Policy applies only to and its subdomains. COUGAR Security Provider LLC does not control and is not responsible for the information processing by the third party websites to which the User can go by following links available on COUGAR Security Provider LLC website.

2.5. Website administration does not verify the authenticity of personal data provided by the User of the website.

3. User responsibility

The User guarantees that the information provided by him is accurate and fair. He also undertakes that when providing such information, the current legislation of the Russian Federation is not violated, as well as legal rights and interests of the third parties are not affected, including all the information provided is filled by the citizen in respect of himself.

4. Privacy Policy

4.1. Scope of personal data

COUGAR Security Provider LLC can collect the following personal data: first name, patronymic, last name, telephone, e-mail, and public data, including IP, information about user's region, characteristics of electronic device and browser.

4.2. Objectives of personal data processing

COUGAR Security Provider LLC carries out processing, including collection and storage of personal information which is necessary to achieve the goals specified in this Agreement. COUGAR Security Provider LLC has the right to use personal data for the following purposes:

  • receiving users feedback in the form of comments and suggestions for finalization;

  • communication with the users, including customer support implementation, advice on the choice of services, requests and applications processing;

  • ordering;

conducting marketing, statistical and other research based on impersonal data;

  • audience analysis to improve website functionality.

4.3. Personal data protection

COUGAR Security Provider LLC carries out the storage of personal data and provides its protection against unauthorized access and distribution.

4.4. Personal data modification

The User has the right to request his personal data modification or deletion, if such data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated processing purpose.

4.5. Personal data storage

COUGAR Security Provider LLC does not store your personal data longer than it is necessary for its collecting, or what is required by current legislation.

4.6. Collecting public data

COUGAR Security Provider LLC can collect public User data (such as IP address, device information, etc.) using cookies, history access logs and web counters. If the User does not agree with these conditions, he must immediately leave the website.

COUGAR Security Provider LLC can use the third parties services for traffic monitoring, statistical research, advertising, and other operations on the websites. With the permission of COUGAR Security Provider LLC, these third parties can use cookies, history access logs, web counters and other monitoring technologies to compile anonymous aggregated statistics on website visitors.

4.7. Personal data transfer to the third parties

COUGAR Security Provider LLC undertakes not to transfer personal data to the third parties for marketing purposes without User's permission.

Website administration can transfer personal data to authorized agencies or contractors in order to achieve the goals outlined in this Agreement.

The User agrees that website administration has the right to transfer personal data to the third parties, in particular, postal organizations, and telecommunication operators exclusively for specified purposes.

User’s personal data can be transferred to the competent public authorities of the Russian Federation only on grounds and in order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Agreement

The valid Agreement version is located at COUGAR Security Provider LLC has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he must refuse access to the website, stop using the website materials and services, and send a request for the removal of his personal data.

6. Requisites

The requisites of LLC Security organization “COUGAR”:

INN 7839067143

OGRN 1167847262329a

KPP 783901001

Legal address::

190005, Saint-Petersburg , nab. Obvodnogo kanala d. 155, liter A, pom. 5N

Mail for feedback:

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Чтобы сделать сайт еще удобнее, мы анализируем пользовательский опыт - собираем данные...
Чтобы сделать сайт еще удобнее, мы анализируем пользовательский опыт - собираем данные с помощью файлов cookie, журналов истории доступа и web-счетчиков. Согласно Федеральному закону «О персональных данных» мы обязаны сообщить вам об этом. Продолжая работу с ресурсом, вы выражаете согласие на обработку ваших данных. Более подробная информация размещена в разделе «Политика конфиденциальности»